

Edna Mugwagwa

Edna is originally from Zimbabwe and has also lived in Switzerland and the UK. She pursued an undergraduate degree in Applied Medical Sciences at University College London (UCL). While there, she was part of Students for Global Health UCL and organised and hosted panel discussions on various global health issues. She also worked with a research group that deals with newborn care and mobile health, where she focused on scientific communications via social media. She currently works in communications for a global health NGO based in Switzerland.

When asked which global health challenge she is interested in, this is what Edna had to say: “My passion for global health grew from first-hand experience of under-resourced healthcare systems and realising that an individual’s health and well-being does not exist in a vacuum– it is impacted by global affairs and local economics, history and even culture.”



Jocelyne Noubiap

Jocelyne is a host and moderator of the World Health Investigation podcast. She was born and raised in Cameroon, but also grew up in Tanzania and Switzerland.  She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Applied Medical Sciences and pursued her Masters in Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the University College London (UCL). She has experience in public speaking, presenting, and mentoring. More importantly, she has led campaigns for improved access to care for different vulnerable groups, including people living with HIV. She has experience as a public health data scientist and eventually found her passion as an epidemiologist in the UK. 

When asked which global health challenge she is interested in, this is what Jocelyne had to say: “As a basic human right, health should not be defined by wealth, as it currently is in many countries. A fundamental question to ask is who determines the value of someone’s life? ”